活動日期開始: 2025-03-11
活動日期結束: 2025-03-11
計畫名稱: 專章:國際化行政支持
永續發展目標: SDG4優質教育


Are you considering valuing yourself more after graduation?


美國南加大Leonard Davis School of Gerontology Mr. Steven Stumph將於3/11蒞校,分享該校科系發展方向、分析市場趨勢,並介紹所需之跨領域應用能力,提供您更多元的職涯規劃與選擇

Mr. Steven Stumph from the USC School of Gerontology will visit our campus on March 11 to share insights on the program's development, analyze market trends, and introduce the interdisciplinary skills required in this field. This session aims to provide you with diverse career planning options.


講師(Speaker):南加大國際課程顧問Mr. Steven Stumph (USC International Program Advisor Mr. Steven Stumph USC

時間(Time): 114311 ()  12:00-13:00 (12:00-13:00 March 11, 2025 Tuesday

地點(Location):勵學大樓2樓 第一會議室The first meeting room in the Li-Hsueh Building 2 floor

演講主題(Topic):USC Gerontology Careers in AgingInformation Session

午膳(Lunch):有 (Provided

報名網址(Registration Link)點我報名!(Click me to register!)



As our sister school, USC is home to the Davis School of Gerontology, the oldest institution in the U.S. dedicated to aging research, with abundant resources and distinguished faculty. Population aging is a global trend, and Taiwan is expected to enter a "super-aged society" by the end of this year, increasing the demand for aging-related professionals. Join us for more in-depth discussions on this topic!


 南加大戴維斯老齡學學院介紹 海報


🔔 注意事項(Important Notes)

1.     表單填寫完成並成功送出即錄取,活動報名人數有限,額滿將自動關閉表單。

Registration is confirmed upon successful form submission. The form will automatically close once the capacity is reached.

2.     報名後因故無法參加者,請來信取消,並註明學號/職號。

If you are unable to attend after registering, please email us to cancel and include your student/staff ID.

3.     本講座提供午膳,為響應環保,請自備餐具。

Lunch will be provided. To support environmental sustainability, please bring your own utensils.

4.     若有任何問題請聯繫國際事務處蔡小姐,分機:2861,謝謝。

For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Cai at the OGA (Ext. 2861).

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