【專題演講 & 圓桌討論】
環醫中心本月邀請中心訪問學者(Massey University, New Zealand) Dr. Stuart McLAREN進行專題演講及學術交流,歡迎本校教職員生或有興趣至紐西蘭進修之人員踴躍參加!
Special Lecture:
Effects of Noise in Early Education
(preceded by a short introduction to New Zealand and Massey University)
Speaker :
Visiting Researcher Stuart McLAREN ( Stuart McLAREN-CV.pdf)
Research Center for Environmental Medicine /
Taiwan Fellowship, Center for Chinese Studies
Date :
April 23, 2019 (Tue.) 12:00-15:00 註:本次不提供午餐
Schedule :
12:00-13:00 Special Lecture
13:00-15:00 Round Table Discussion
Venue :
4th floor, the Fourth Meeting Room, Li-Hsueh Building
勵學大樓4樓 第四會議室
Registration: (Click)
Research Center for Environmental Medicine
Ph.D. Program in Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Department of Public Health, College of Health Sciences
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine
Higher Education Sprout Project, KMU